Sunday, October 23, 2011

What God placed on my Heart this Morning

God sees us in our pain and in our life in living with the abuse and horrors that families put on each others and the pain a child myself carried for many years and how I was trampled ,broken ,left on the road damaged and heart broken w/o any esteem left in me. But rejoice people God has and can restore to any of  you every good thing that He has for us. Now is the time of renewing and building up so we can face the coming darkness with boldness and strength and Be not afraid God gets it He gives His people all that they need visions,dreams ,food and comforts so we as the Body of Christ can walk out into the places that need to hear Jesus is coming and when He comes He is not coming to be soft and be like a lamb. He is coming with Judgement and to harvest all those left on the earth with a sickle of Christ will sweep across the earth and all those left here that refused Jesus will be placed in God's  wine-press wrath and be pressed down and judged fairly and righteously. One note many Christians think that we will be snatched up,rapture Nope folks we are to be here to help,guide,teach,preach to those who don't know God says in His word that we will be protected and we will able to be the bold people of God and right before The day of the Lord that REV.14:14-19 speaks of happens and in Joel 2:30-32   The time is right now that God is using His Body of Christ to start the movement that will travel thru the whole earth and to all people.s and it is w/o the only time in human history where a great division is going to happen and the void between those that know Jesus and those who refuse Jesus. it will become even to the non-believers very real and very fearful and many will be saved by the Blood of the Lamb Jesus Our Lion of Judah

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