We as Christians we must embrace the complete message that God's Holy Word shows us. And one area that I believe a lot of us are very weak in is the Spiritual realm. We walk around and we understand about Jesus and the Good news he taught about and we understand the story of how God created the whole earth but when it comes to doing battle, and dealing with the evil forces that are against us we lack or shy away from direct contact,or talking,teaching and really going out into the world and kicking some dragon butt and taking names.
We can read in Daniel10:13 How Daniel's Prayers were heard and Michael the archangel did battle against the king of Persia which was another way of saying the evil one was trying to stop Daniel's answer to be heard.With the knowledge of how Jesus taught and preached and showed people in parables and just by doing maricles before many.
We have been given a commiosn to do the same and more because we have that authority thru Jesus Christ and as Paul writes in (Eph 6:12 [NET])
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.
In this we should take comfort and a stand to be firm in our resolve to not take any attacks lightly from the evil one we need to strenghten our defenses and become more aware.Get your radar in focus!
If a soldier goes into a fire fight w/o having all the knowledge he needs to fight back and how to use his weapons he will be wouned or killed by the enemy. So with that understanding in your heart the whole Bible is our place to become educated and taught of how to deal with any situation in our current life.
We as Christians can no longer walk around with blinders on and say too each other that this world is just fine. NO Way look around more and more sin,evil,and more horrors occur each day from natural disasters and more people going off the deep end each day, you say it's not that bad.
Wake up and put on the whole amour of God and draw your swords and get too swinging and destory the strongholds of the devil and all of his powers,principalities because you and I have the authority by the Blood of Jesus. IT'S TIME To GET SOME!
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