A place to read,understand,grow and comment about living in a world that shuns God and Jesus. Also a blog that will question your reasons ,beliefs,and spirituality and asking Do You Know Jesus? Life in surrender to Jesus Christ 1st Peter 2:4-5 2nd Peter 7:1
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Sovereign God / or God's ways are not our ways
(Eccl 2:26 [NET])
For to the one who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy, but to the sinner, he gives the task of amassing wealth – only to give it to the one who pleases God. This task of the wicked is futile – like chasing the wind!
(Eccl 7:13 [NET])
Consider the work of God: For who can make straight what he has bent?
(Eccl 7:14 [NET])
In times of prosperity be joyful, but in times of adversity consider this: God has made one as well as the other, so that no one can discover what the future holds.
(Eccl 7:15 [NET])
During the days of my fleeting life I have seen both of these things: Sometimes a righteous person dies prematurely in spite of his righteousness, and sometimes a wicked person lives long in spite of his evil deeds.
(Eccl 7:16 [NET])
So do not be excessively righteous or excessively wise; otherwise you might be disappointed.
(Eccl 7:17 [NET])
Do not be excessively wicked and do not be a fool; otherwise you might die before your time.
(Eccl 7:18 [NET])
It is best to take hold of one warning without letting go of the other warning; for the one who fears God will follow both warnings.
Here we go into a area that many folks find hard to understand and that area is.What is God doing? And why can't we figure Him out? We can send a man to the moon but we can't get our minds wrapped around the way God chooses to bless some and curse others or heal someone with a miracle and leave someone else in their pain and suffering?
In the above bible verse's what do we read? We read that God can bring into our lives prosperity and also times of adversity and God also makes the straight paths and the crooked paths.
Let me be very clear about this next statement many folks when they see the word prosperity they assume that speaks just of money or great wealth. in the Hebrew text it means much more than that. Good people,Good things,bountiful,cheerful,to be in favour,glad, joyful,kindness,loving,pleasant, wealth,welfare,be well favoured. Most of these words talk about your attitude and not about how many cars or trucks or homes you have.
Now adversity in Hebrew show us the other side. great grief,harm,hurtful,wrong, wretchedness,to spoil,to make good turn bad.,distress,evil,Bad, affliction,calamity. Now most of these words explain things that effect our physical.
Also scripture tells us that God's word are truth and in that truth we can see that God makes all and His ways are not our ways and that His time is not our time.
So don't be deceived by teacher's,preacher's that tell you that your faith has to be huge to be healed or that God wants you to be in a 4000 square foot home and He wants you to drive a BMW and that all you have to get these things is name it and claim it.
NO! NOT even close folks! Don't be fooled by those ones. Seek out those churches that will teach you bible based facts with NO extra input from a Man or Woman looking to take from the flock and never teach the truth.
The last verse that one who fears God and by fear the Hebrew helps us again.It means to be reverent, to be obedient unto God, to be in awe of God and yes it talks about being afraid,frighten but think about it if you know God and you know Jesus your name is written in the Book of Life and if you don't know God and Jesus then I would be afraid,frighten in fact I would be terrified by what awaits me when I die.
So again I ask Do you know Jesus? Can you say my name is written in The Book of Life! It is easy to be sure! Receive Jesus into your heart and ask for your sins all to be forgiven and get your self to a church that teaches the uncompromising word of God. And Lastly Tell someone that you have Jesus now in your life! Take care. Pax Carl
(2Chr 7:14 [NET])
if my people, who belong to me, humble themselves, pray, seek to please me, and repudiate their sinful practices, then I will respond from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
In awe of God's Power
Yesterday I sat at the place of golden arches and had a biscuit thing and as I sat there many starlings and chickadees were in the bushes in front of me and I shared some biscuit with them and as I watched them come down to get some and to fly back to the safety of the bush. The bible verse came to me where Jesus told his followers about how God does take care of everything even the birds that fly around. These birds I watched did not fight about the food and they did not rush to eat it all up quickly and they took turns to fly down and peck a small portion and then fly back. We could learn something from that.
Why can't we trust God to provide for us in all His ways as these birds do? You might say that they are just going by evolution but even so God has placed that in them to act a certain way in any given situation.
So the reasonably understanding of God and His relationship with us we need to trust God more and to stop thinking that we can do it all by ourselves. It doesn't work very well doesn't it when we try to manufacture our own life w/o any divine guidance.
So again ask yourself How can all that goes on in and on and above this earth How can it a bunch of random events that just happened to line up perfectly the building blocks. There is order in the universe and He is God!
The Great I AM Creator of Heaven and Earth Our Sovereign God.
Why can't we trust God to provide for us in all His ways as these birds do? You might say that they are just going by evolution but even so God has placed that in them to act a certain way in any given situation.
So the reasonably understanding of God and His relationship with us we need to trust God more and to stop thinking that we can do it all by ourselves. It doesn't work very well doesn't it when we try to manufacture our own life w/o any divine guidance.
So again ask yourself How can all that goes on in and on and above this earth How can it a bunch of random events that just happened to line up perfectly the building blocks. There is order in the universe and He is God!
The Great I AM Creator of Heaven and Earth Our Sovereign God.
Friday, January 20, 2012
I have been amiss lately in being regular in producing anything of quality in this blog. As someone who has started writing and not just writing to vent or stand upon my own soapbox but someone who is a Christian and who believes and tries to follow Jesus Christ in every way possible. To share the TRUTH of Jesus!
I have said ENOUGH devil! You have NO hold on me or my mind or body or soul. My God is real and powerful and He reigns over me and nothing thrown at me will succeed or prosper in any way or fashion.Get thee behind me and it is written! Use these words and fight back!
As this walk takes me into a more mature and a deeper relationship with GOD and by changing my life under God's direction. No one said it would be easy.
Be not deceived people the devil would and has tried to destroy,steal,kill our love for Jesus and our zeal and fire for God's work here on earth because a Christian whom is depressed,or moping about is not effective for Jesus as I was and all it took to knock me down was my own memories,my own feelings about the pain both physical and emotional that I have been dealing with.
Keep your hearts and minds safe stay in the Word of God read it,work it, learn it,live it but most of all enjoy and love it and embrace God's words as you cherish each word because the Bible is God's Holy Word which He put forth for all people to embrace and to know that He loves us so much that God put into place a plan, a plan of salvation that each book in the bible speaks about.
He Name is Jesus and He came here to pay for all of our sins and Jesus is the only way to the Father and the devil here on earth (His time is short) knows the bible better than most of us ad he would love to deceive, destroy as many Christians as he can before Jesus comes back and kicks his butt into the pit and locks the door.
We as the Body of Christ are supposed to encourage,edify, comfort each other as we do the work that God wants us to do so today speak kindly to someone,encourage someone,comfort each other tempered with the Love that Christ has for us and share the Light that will never be extinguished!
Here's a couple of bible verses that have helped me greatly these past three days; Zephaniah Yes its a book in the bible
Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God is in the midst of you ,a Mighty One,a Saviour who saves! He will rejoice over you with joy: He will rest in silent satisfaction and in His Love He will make no mention of past sins; or even recall them; He will exult over you with singing.
Ephesians 4:4-6 There is one body and one Spirit - just as there is one hope that that belongs to the calling you received- There is one Lord,one Faith,one baptism. One Father of us all. Who is above all, Sovereign over all. Pervading all and Living in us all.
Just a footnote to one word in the last verse. Pervading it means to spread throughout,to diffuse,to saturate,to soak through That's really a powerful word. God's Sovereignty, His unconditional Love for us saturates us and His Forgiveness permeates our souls. WOW,Our God is a awesome God and He is The Almighty One. Thank you God Amen!
I have said ENOUGH devil! You have NO hold on me or my mind or body or soul. My God is real and powerful and He reigns over me and nothing thrown at me will succeed or prosper in any way or fashion.Get thee behind me and it is written! Use these words and fight back!
As this walk takes me into a more mature and a deeper relationship with GOD and by changing my life under God's direction. No one said it would be easy.
Be not deceived people the devil would and has tried to destroy,steal,kill our love for Jesus and our zeal and fire for God's work here on earth because a Christian whom is depressed,or moping about is not effective for Jesus as I was and all it took to knock me down was my own memories,my own feelings about the pain both physical and emotional that I have been dealing with.
Keep your hearts and minds safe stay in the Word of God read it,work it, learn it,live it but most of all enjoy and love it and embrace God's words as you cherish each word because the Bible is God's Holy Word which He put forth for all people to embrace and to know that He loves us so much that God put into place a plan, a plan of salvation that each book in the bible speaks about.
He Name is Jesus and He came here to pay for all of our sins and Jesus is the only way to the Father and the devil here on earth (His time is short) knows the bible better than most of us ad he would love to deceive, destroy as many Christians as he can before Jesus comes back and kicks his butt into the pit and locks the door.
We as the Body of Christ are supposed to encourage,edify, comfort each other as we do the work that God wants us to do so today speak kindly to someone,encourage someone,comfort each other tempered with the Love that Christ has for us and share the Light that will never be extinguished!
Here's a couple of bible verses that have helped me greatly these past three days; Zephaniah Yes its a book in the bible
Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God is in the midst of you ,a Mighty One,a Saviour who saves! He will rejoice over you with joy: He will rest in silent satisfaction and in His Love He will make no mention of past sins; or even recall them; He will exult over you with singing.
Ephesians 4:4-6 There is one body and one Spirit - just as there is one hope that that belongs to the calling you received- There is one Lord,one Faith,one baptism. One Father of us all. Who is above all, Sovereign over all. Pervading all and Living in us all.
Just a footnote to one word in the last verse. Pervading it means to spread throughout,to diffuse,to saturate,to soak through That's really a powerful word. God's Sovereignty, His unconditional Love for us saturates us and His Forgiveness permeates our souls. WOW,Our God is a awesome God and He is The Almighty One. Thank you God Amen!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Dealing with Pain
Many of you may have known that on Sept.9th I broke my ankle and since then I have been healing and recovering from it. After 3 months of sitting now comes the time of movement and asking my back to remember how it is to stand upright.
I look back at everything that has transpspired and how I was forced to slow down and take time to heal and now I am dealing with trying to remain slow in my ways and lately I have pushed myself and now I pay with more back and ankle pain.
So what is my point This would really make me depressed and make me live in a hole. But with God I can reach out and place my stress and pain on Him and whit that I get back is a peace that I can't explian and I can't understand. But beyond that I know that Jesus has taken my worst sins and given me a place with Him in Heaven and with that understanding I can have days that are rough and difficult and with pain but I must remember my worst day of pain is nothing compared to what Jesus did for us.
Reach for Jesus and Reach for Heaven and get your name in the Book of Life by Accepting the Gift that Jesus gives us How by being Born-again. How by asking Him into your Life and Soul. Trust Jesus,Trust Jesus Love Jesus Love Jesus! AMEN
I look back at everything that has transpspired and how I was forced to slow down and take time to heal and now I am dealing with trying to remain slow in my ways and lately I have pushed myself and now I pay with more back and ankle pain.
So what is my point This would really make me depressed and make me live in a hole. But with God I can reach out and place my stress and pain on Him and whit that I get back is a peace that I can't explian and I can't understand. But beyond that I know that Jesus has taken my worst sins and given me a place with Him in Heaven and with that understanding I can have days that are rough and difficult and with pain but I must remember my worst day of pain is nothing compared to what Jesus did for us.
Reach for Jesus and Reach for Heaven and get your name in the Book of Life by Accepting the Gift that Jesus gives us How by being Born-again. How by asking Him into your Life and Soul. Trust Jesus,Trust Jesus Love Jesus Love Jesus! AMEN
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Jesus is My KING!
Cut and Paste the above to view a very moving video about Jesus and share it others! Amen
Cut and Paste the above to view a very moving video about Jesus and share it others! Amen
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Being soft for Jesus!
being for Jesus
by Carl Heck on Monday, September 19, 2011 at 6:26am
check it out if not for yourself for your loved onesA few keys for those who don't want people saved in their altar calls.
Present an unbalanced message. Only let them see the heart-warming part of God’s character. Preach God’s love but leave out His holiness and justice. That way they’ll think He’ll let them into heaven no matter what.
Don’t mention repentance until they’re repeating a “sinner’s prayer.” Just get them to say, “I repent of all my sins” while they’re echoing you. They won’t know what they’re saying and they won’t count the cost.
Above all else, be dignified. Don’t get heart to heart with the people. They would get something out of what you said.
Skim over the gospel and push the prayer. Pretend the lost naturally understand what Christ has done for them.
Preach Jesus as a life enhancer not a life rescuer. Tell them how Jesus can improve their life but don’t show them Jesus as the only One who can save them from Hell. People will think if they reject Him they’re only losing out on a spiritual high.
Try to please the people instead of convert them. Tell them what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear.
Compromise the message to speed up the process. The Christians who have heard it a hundred times before will be pleased with that. The quicker they get out the quicker they can get to the restaurant.
Give them the impression that God is so good He won’t send anyone to hell. Don’t present the whole counsel of God or they might realize He is so good that He’ll see to it that justice is served and that all unrepentant sinners will be punished in the fire that is not quenched.
Speak to sinners as though they were saints. They’ll think they’re God’s children instead of the enemies of God they’ve made themselves into because of their sin. You’ll give them false assurance and mislead them.
Don’t mention sin or man’s guilt. Resist the urge to explain what Christ came to deliver us from. Don’t show them their need for the Savior. Otherwise it may all make sense.
Don’t look to the Bible for the substance of your altar call. Only mimic other preachers with large congregations.
Tell the lost not to feel bad about their sins. That way you will work against the Holy Spirit who’s convicting them
Whatever you do, never mention Judgment Day. Your audience might take spiritual matters seriously.
Tell them Jesus is the only way to heaven but don’t explain why. They may think it’s nothing more than fear tactics and leave offended instead of enlightened.
Confuse the call. This is a great way to botch up an altar call. Don’t let people know you’re asking them to commit their life to Christ. Be vague and general in what you’re saying. Neglect to mention following Christ in your evangelistic altar calls and say things like, “If you don’t feel you’re as close to God as possible raise your hand,” “If you feel lonely come to the front for prayer,” “If you want more of God this is your time,” and, “If you have struggles and need the answer come down.” Just get them to raise a hand. That way no one will be able to count the cost and you’ll even get saints to respond to salvation altar calls, making the results look more successful.
Only give them half the story. Tell them Jesus died to forgive everyone but overlook the fact that they must personally receive Him to partake of that forgiveness.
Present the truth as though it isn’t. Be so funny when you share Christ that you belittle the seriousness of the matter.
Preach forgiveness without repentance. That way no one will know how to be forgiven.
Be unbiblical. Present repentance and faith as an offer instead of how God does as a command (Acts 17:30).
Let them think next Sunday is the day of salvation. Don’t make them feel it’s urgent to respond today.
Never warn of hell. Dangle heaven in front of their nose but rarely mention hell, certainly not as much as Jesus did.
Only do altar calls inside the church. Never take the gospel where sinners congregate. The lost might get saved.
Use churchy terms. Use words like, “saved,” “repent,” and “born again,” without any explanation. That way your hearers won’t comprehend what you’re saying. If they can’t understand it, it’s probable they won’t be changed by it.
Give false assurance of salvation to unsaved Christians. Assure church folk that they are saved even if they bear no fruit. So that you don’t offend the unsaved pew warmers never quote 2 Corinthians 13:5: “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith.” You could lose some financial supporters and have to depend on God.
Never mention the wrath of God. If you mention it, people might be awakened to flee to Jesus who “saves us from the wrath to come.” ( 1 Thess. 1:10)
Study how the apostles preached and witnessed and do the opposite. Don’t explain Jesus’ suffering death on the cross. Otherwise they may think of running to Him for forgiveness. Don’t speak of His burial or resurrection or they might realize He is God. Refrain from commenting about the hundreds of eyewitnesses who saw Jesus after He rose from the dead. That way they can go on thinking He’s a fairy tale. Overlook talk of the messianic prophecies Jesus fulfilled or they might realize that the Bible is true. If they see it’s the truth they may see that following Christ is the logical decision. And whatever you do, avoid what the apostles did when it came time to call people to obey the gospel. Don’t tell them to trust Christ and live for Him. That is too accurate. If they know how to get saved your altar call will be a success.
Put more emphasis on the “sinner’s prayer” then on repentance and faith. Satan will smile over your departure from Biblical instruction. We are never taught to use a ‘sinner’s prayer’ throughout the entire Bible. If you decide to use it and put more emphasis on the technique than on what we’re commanded to preach: faith and repentance you’ll certainly botch things up. A ‘sinner’s prayer’ doesn’t equal salvation, only faith in Christ and repentance toward God do.
Let Christians think you’re the only one who can do it right. Always leave the impression that they should only invite friends to church and never actually witness themselves. It will keep you in business and the lost unsaved.
Don’t let the lost know they are. Disregard subjects like Judgment Day, God’s holiness, man’s sinfulness and justice. That way the lost can continue to think they’re “good enough” to get into heaven.
Rely upon psychological techniques to manipulate people into responding to the altar call. Don’t rely upon the Holy Spirit or they may actually get saved.
Make sure you’re the main attraction. Remember the goal in botching up an altar call is for people to leave and say, “What a wonderful preacher,” instead of, “What a wonderful Savior.” Draw all possible attention to how great a speaker and person you are. Otherwise people might see Christ in your preaching and get saved.
Don’t focus upon Jesus. Finally, the best way to botch up an altar call is not to preach the gospel. Just get people to lift up a hand and pray a prayer with you. Resist the urge to speak of the only One who could save them.
Sometimes the best way to get a point across is to put it in a different light. You now know a few ways to botch up an altar call. Please do not employ them. Do the opposite. You may already do some of them. Don’t let pride keep you from changing and doing things in a Biblical fashion. The bottom line is how true we are to Christ and His word. Effectively reaching the lost is our purpose. Let nothing hold you back from that agenda. May God bless you as you seek to win people to Christ in Bible clubs, churches, conferences, on the street witnessing encounters, at your school, and at your workplace.
Adapted from Becoming an Emissary for God by Allen Atzbi
A few keys for those who don't want people saved in their altar calls.
Present an unbalanced message. Only let them see the heart-warming part of God’s character. Preach God’s love but leave out His holiness and justice. That way they’ll think He’ll let them into heaven no matter what.
Don’t mention repentance until they’re repeating a “sinner’s prayer.” Just get them to say, “I repent of all my sins” while they’re echoing you. They won’t know what they’re saying and they won’t count the cost.
Above all else, be dignified. Don’t get heart to heart with the people. They would get something out of what you said.
Skim over the gospel and push the prayer. Pretend the lost naturally understand what Christ has done for them.
Preach Jesus as a life enhancer not a life rescuer. Tell them how Jesus can improve their life but don’t show them Jesus as the only One who can save them from Hell. People will think if they reject Him they’re only losing out on a spiritual high.
Try to please the people instead of convert them. Tell them what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear.
Compromise the message to speed up the process. The Christians who have heard it a hundred times before will be pleased with that. The quicker they get out the quicker they can get to the restaurant.
Give them the impression that God is so good He won’t send anyone to hell. Don’t present the whole counsel of God or they might realize He is so good that He’ll see to it that justice is served and that all unrepentant sinners will be punished in the fire that is not quenched.
Speak to sinners as though they were saints. They’ll think they’re God’s children instead of the enemies of God they’ve made themselves into because of their sin. You’ll give them false assurance and mislead them.
Don’t mention sin or man’s guilt. Resist the urge to explain what Christ came to deliver us from. Don’t show them their need for the Savior. Otherwise it may all make sense.
Don’t look to the Bible for the substance of your altar call. Only mimic other preachers with large congregations.
Tell the lost not to feel bad about their sins. That way you will work against the Holy Spirit who’s convicting them
Whatever you do, never mention Judgment Day. Your audience might take spiritual matters seriously.
Tell them Jesus is the only way to heaven but don’t explain why. They may think it’s nothing more than fear tactics and leave offended instead of enlightened.
Confuse the call. This is a great way to botch up an altar call. Don’t let people know you’re asking them to commit their life to Christ. Be vague and general in what you’re saying. Neglect to mention following Christ in your evangelistic altar calls and say things like, “If you don’t feel you’re as close to God as possible raise your hand,” “If you feel lonely come to the front for prayer,” “If you want more of God this is your time,” and, “If you have struggles and need the answer come down.” Just get them to raise a hand. That way no one will be able to count the cost and you’ll even get saints to respond to salvation altar calls, making the results look more successful.
Only give them half the story. Tell them Jesus died to forgive everyone but overlook the fact that they must personally receive Him to partake of that forgiveness.
Present the truth as though it isn’t. Be so funny when you share Christ that you belittle the seriousness of the matter.
Preach forgiveness without repentance. That way no one will know how to be forgiven.
Be unbiblical. Present repentance and faith as an offer instead of how God does as a command (Acts 17:30).
Let them think next Sunday is the day of salvation. Don’t make them feel it’s urgent to respond today.
Never warn of hell. Dangle heaven in front of their nose but rarely mention hell, certainly not as much as Jesus did.
Only do altar calls inside the church. Never take the gospel where sinners congregate. The lost might get saved.
Use churchy terms. Use words like, “saved,” “repent,” and “born again,” without any explanation. That way your hearers won’t comprehend what you’re saying. If they can’t understand it, it’s probable they won’t be changed by it.
Give false assurance of salvation to unsaved Christians. Assure church folk that they are saved even if they bear no fruit. So that you don’t offend the unsaved pew warmers never quote 2 Corinthians 13:5: “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith.” You could lose some financial supporters and have to depend on God.
Never mention the wrath of God. If you mention it, people might be awakened to flee to Jesus who “saves us from the wrath to come.” ( 1 Thess. 1:10)
Study how the apostles preached and witnessed and do the opposite. Don’t explain Jesus’ suffering death on the cross. Otherwise they may think of running to Him for forgiveness. Don’t speak of His burial or resurrection or they might realize He is God. Refrain from commenting about the hundreds of eyewitnesses who saw Jesus after He rose from the dead. That way they can go on thinking He’s a fairy tale. Overlook talk of the messianic prophecies Jesus fulfilled or they might realize that the Bible is true. If they see it’s the truth they may see that following Christ is the logical decision. And whatever you do, avoid what the apostles did when it came time to call people to obey the gospel. Don’t tell them to trust Christ and live for Him. That is too accurate. If they know how to get saved your altar call will be a success.
Put more emphasis on the “sinner’s prayer” then on repentance and faith. Satan will smile over your departure from Biblical instruction. We are never taught to use a ‘sinner’s prayer’ throughout the entire Bible. If you decide to use it and put more emphasis on the technique than on what we’re commanded to preach: faith and repentance you’ll certainly botch things up. A ‘sinner’s prayer’ doesn’t equal salvation, only faith in Christ and repentance toward God do.
Let Christians think you’re the only one who can do it right. Always leave the impression that they should only invite friends to church and never actually witness themselves. It will keep you in business and the lost unsaved.
Don’t let the lost know they are. Disregard subjects like Judgment Day, God’s holiness, man’s sinfulness and justice. That way the lost can continue to think they’re “good enough” to get into heaven.
Rely upon psychological techniques to manipulate people into responding to the altar call. Don’t rely upon the Holy Spirit or they may actually get saved.
Make sure you’re the main attraction. Remember the goal in botching up an altar call is for people to leave and say, “What a wonderful preacher,” instead of, “What a wonderful Savior.” Draw all possible attention to how great a speaker and person you are. Otherwise people might see Christ in your preaching and get saved.
Don’t focus upon Jesus. Finally, the best way to botch up an altar call is not to preach the gospel. Just get people to lift up a hand and pray a prayer with you. Resist the urge to speak of the only One who could save them.
Sometimes the best way to get a point across is to put it in a different light. You now know a few ways to botch up an altar call. Please do not employ them. Do the opposite. You may already do some of them. Don’t let pride keep you from changing and doing things in a Biblical fashion. The bottom line is how true we are to Christ and His word. Effectively reaching the lost is our purpose. Let nothing hold you back from that agenda. May God bless you as you seek to win people to Christ in Bible clubs, churches, conferences, on the street witnessing encounters, at your school, and at your workplace.
Adapted from Becoming an Emissary for God by Allen Atzbi
Facebook © 2012 · English (US)
Monday, January 9, 2012
State of Affairs
Today as I raed the Northwest Herald newspaper and on the Opinion page.They have a section called "speak out" and they ask questions that folks can answer questions that are asked by the newspaper. Well this day 1/9/2012 they asked
"If you could fix one state or U.S. problem in 2012,what would it be and why?"
And the answers didn't come as any surprise to me.
They were this Bullying,People being hateful and not being good to each other,Unemployment and jobs leaving Illinois,Members of Congress to start to work together to improve this country and and to stop infighting between themselves, Poverty,Corruption in public and private education and the imbalances in tuition and salaries that the leaders of the schools get paid.
Look at them,Look at them closely and Look at them with the eyes of Jesus and ask "What would Jesus say about these answers?"
I believe that He would say words right out of His work the Bible from Philippians.
(Phil 4:6 [NET])
Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God.
(Phil 4:7 [NET])
And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
(Phil 4:8 [NET])
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things.
My comments to add to this is this; With the knowledge of Jesus in your life and living for Christ all of the above problems would be less or I think they would not have been a problem if all of those in power and had Jesus in their hearts and minds those folks would have never allowed . People would have made choices based on Faith and based on how Jesus conducted Himself here on earth and we should follow His examples of how to live. Corruption,Hate,Selfishness,Bullying, and all the woes we suffer from would been looked at as sins and that sin separate us from God and we go wandering around looking for relief from all w/o turning to Jesus and turning to Jesus would help change our future and in our lives.
Pray and Pray hard that God puts His hand upon our country and that we turn our hearts and souls back to Jesus.
"If you could fix one state or U.S. problem in 2012,what would it be and why?"
And the answers didn't come as any surprise to me.
They were this Bullying,People being hateful and not being good to each other,Unemployment and jobs leaving Illinois,Members of Congress to start to work together to improve this country and and to stop infighting between themselves, Poverty,Corruption in public and private education and the imbalances in tuition and salaries that the leaders of the schools get paid.
Look at them,Look at them closely and Look at them with the eyes of Jesus and ask "What would Jesus say about these answers?"
I believe that He would say words right out of His work the Bible from Philippians.
(Phil 4:6 [NET])
Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God.
(Phil 4:7 [NET])
And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
(Phil 4:8 [NET])
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things.
My comments to add to this is this; With the knowledge of Jesus in your life and living for Christ all of the above problems would be less or I think they would not have been a problem if all of those in power and had Jesus in their hearts and minds those folks would have never allowed . People would have made choices based on Faith and based on how Jesus conducted Himself here on earth and we should follow His examples of how to live. Corruption,Hate,Selfishness,Bullying, and all the woes we suffer from would been looked at as sins and that sin separate us from God and we go wandering around looking for relief from all w/o turning to Jesus and turning to Jesus would help change our future and in our lives.
Pray and Pray hard that God puts His hand upon our country and that we turn our hearts and souls back to Jesus.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
The choice is up to you
Click on A Dying mans last words above to view video
What can I say powerful,awesome,real, gritty and for some of you hard to watch. If you got thru all of it and really listen to what he said and watched his face as he talked about hell and then Heaven.
I have just one question for you. If you had any doubts about a afterlife and do we go somewhere? You should have NO Doubts Now. This man Herbert Broome poured out his soul to us because he saw and he believed and he trusted Jesus. So my question is.
What are you waiting for?
A handwritten invitation!
Get off your backside and get on your knees and pray for salvation and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and start living in God's Holy Light.
Click on A Dying mans last words above to view video
What can I say powerful,awesome,real, gritty and for some of you hard to watch. If you got thru all of it and really listen to what he said and watched his face as he talked about hell and then Heaven.
I have just one question for you. If you had any doubts about a afterlife and do we go somewhere? You should have NO Doubts Now. This man Herbert Broome poured out his soul to us because he saw and he believed and he trusted Jesus. So my question is.
What are you waiting for?
A handwritten invitation!
Get off your backside and get on your knees and pray for salvation and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and start living in God's Holy Light.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Last thought before sleep
Psalm 16
The Lord—Our Safe Place in Life and Covering in Death
1 Keep me, O God, for I am safe in You. 2 I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord. All the good things I have come from You.” 3 As for those in the land who belong to You, they are the great ones in whom is all my joy. 4 Those who have traded for another god bring many troubles on themselves. I will not take part in their altar gifts of blood. And I will not take their names upon my lips.
5 The Lord is all that I am to receive, and my cup. My future is in Your hands. 6 The land given to me is good. Yes, my share is beautiful to me.
7 I will give honor and thanks to the Lord, Who has told me what to do. Yes, even at night my mind teaches me. 8 I have placed the Lord always in front of me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be moved. 9 And so my heart is glad. My soul is full of joy. My body also will rest without fear. 10 For You will not give me over to the grave. And You will not allow Your Holy One to return to dust. 11 You will show me the way of life. Being with You is to be full of joy. In Your right hand there is happiness forever.
Luke 19:10
10The Son of Man came to look for and to save those who are lost.'
more 2012 stuff!
Ezekiel 38:2-6 , Dan 12:2-4,
Matthew 24:3-8 , Luke 25:2
The cartoon on the right was posted by a friend of mine and I believe it is good to laugh at some of the nutty and crazy things we all will see in these next few months. I think we will see the most insane and very stupid ideas from people who are very afraid and that fear will drive many to acts of violence and into behaviors that many would have never considered in the past.
Yes the bible speaks of a breakdown in social order and how people will be acting.
As I stated before pick a side! God or satan you get to chose. And as for me and my household we will serve the LORD.
God gave us the gift of free will and it is time to use said gift by making a choice for Jesus and become aware of the madness in this world and by choosing Jesus you are choosing life and not death and not just living but living with God the Father ,with Jesus the Lamb of God and by the Power of the Holy Spirit forever not for a lifetime but forever, eternally in Heaven singing and worshiping the Creator of all and being Loved by God unconditionally.
Don't you see the joy in that,the complete perfection of being with God.
Now why wait make your choice know God in a way that is personal and deeper than any relationship you or I have ever had down here!
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