Yesterday I sat at the place of golden arches and had a biscuit thing and as I sat there many starlings and chickadees were in the bushes in front of me and I shared some biscuit with them and as I watched them come down to get some and to fly back to the safety of the bush. The bible verse came to me where Jesus told his followers about how God does take care of everything even the birds that fly around. These birds I watched did not fight about the food and they did not rush to eat it all up quickly and they took turns to fly down and peck a small portion and then fly back. We could learn something from that.
Why can't we trust God to provide for us in all His ways as these birds do? You might say that they are just going by evolution but even so God has placed that in them to act a certain way in any given situation.
So the reasonably understanding of God and His relationship with us we need to trust God more and to stop thinking that we can do it all by ourselves. It doesn't work very well doesn't it when we try to manufacture our own life w/o any divine guidance.
So again ask yourself How can all that goes on in and on and above this earth How can it a bunch of random events that just happened to line up perfectly the building blocks. There is order in the universe and He is God!
The Great I AM Creator of Heaven and Earth Our Sovereign God.
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