Last night I sat with my bride Laura and we watched Greg Laurie of Harvest Ministries do what I would call an old-fashioned explanation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our need for salvation,as I watched I remembered back a few years ago when I would lay on the floor in front of the TV in my parents house in Dayton,Ohio on Creighton Ave. and watch Billy Graham Crusades. In watching Greg it brought back many memories of those times when 3 or 4 nights Billy would preach and explain as Greg did last night our need for Jesus and why we need to make our decision that very night because you didn't know what tomorrow may bring.
And I would wonder then as a boy 11 or 12 years old.
First WHY? Then a Second thought came into my mind ; Jesus Christ loved me so much He took my sins and all the sins of men and hung on the cross and die for you and I. My young mind at the time had a hard time understanding that but I do remember how I felt when Billy would look at the camera and tell us of the Love of God, that He sent His Only Son to pay the price that no man could have paid.Plus how we could never earn our way into Heaven or work our way in.Very real and very powerful! Now know that as I remembered and reflected on those times I remembered feeling the Holy Spirit move and I became warm sometimes(because every time Billy Graham's crusades came on my parents watched them) and I understood that this was a big deal not to be taken lightly.
So last night Laura and I watched Greg Laurie preach a very powerful and moving story from Luke 15:11-32 about the Prodigal Son and he used that story that Jesus told to show the world the nature of our Loving God who lets us make those choices which lead us into the pigpens of life and how when we have exhausted all our money,time,efforts to make it in the world,when we are broken,in the pit of despair we can turn back to a Forgiving and Wonderful God who runs to embrace us when He sees us returning back to Him! I know so of you may not get this but I too didn't get it completely as a kid but as a man I see the need for Jesus Christ in everyone's life now more than ever. And you don't have to be like the Prodigal son or daughter to accept Jesus. You can decide today!
So here's the big question to you. Where are you going to spend Eternity?
Heaven: A place of immeasurable joy,love,peace, being and seeing God face to face, living forever. OR hell a Place of torment and pain,where no relief will be given ,only sorrow,horrible suffering that will never end.A place void of Light,God. Don't be fooled by the common things we all have heard from time to time.The lies and falsehoods,false doctrines twisted, taught by the father of lies who will try to the very end to deceive,destroy,and take down as many souls as he can before the Day of the Lord comes upon the whole world and when he will be thrown into the Pit!
Mankind is not making good choices! Contrary to what CNN,MSNBC or any world leaders tell us and we do have a nature of sinful ways,self-centeredness,living as if tomorrow will never come,feeding the lusts of the eyes,the lusts of the flesh and please don't be fooled by the misconception that there are many ways to Heaven and no matter what the Bible says we all get in just because we have done good deeds. satan the counterfeiter has lied to mankind for thousands of years and people believe that garbage because they feel entitled or I deserve it now all the pleasures of life and of these are excuses for bad behaviour and they are SIN. And the wages of SIN are death! Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Our problems as human beings are the same as in the days of when Jesus walked the earth just on a bigger scale. We can see the world events instantly as they happen and we can watch shows that attack our souls daily breaking down our moral,spiritual ideas till we become filled with darkness and despair straight from hell itself! Life without Christ!
So you ask yourselves Is it too LATE? Not as long as you have breath to speak and a heart that beats! Confess that you are a sinner and that you need Jesus Christ who lived,was crucified, died,rose again and will return someday to judge the living and the dead, that from now on you will follow Jesus Christ and change your ways by letting Him into your heart,mind,and soul from this day forward. To be a Follower of the Messiah,the Lion of Judah
You may ask how do I know what to do after I say this prayer and have Jesus in me? Well get a Bible or borrow one and read the Gospel of John,Talk to God and ask for Him to lead you by His Holy Spirit to show you a church that teaches the UNcompromising WORD of God and doesn't have you do dead rituals and traditions of men that will not get you Salvation, any growth in Jesus.
Be Blessed this day and always remember Jesus is the Way,the Truth and the Life and NO man comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ. John 14:6
And I would wonder then as a boy 11 or 12 years old.
First WHY? Then a Second thought came into my mind ; Jesus Christ loved me so much He took my sins and all the sins of men and hung on the cross and die for you and I. My young mind at the time had a hard time understanding that but I do remember how I felt when Billy would look at the camera and tell us of the Love of God, that He sent His Only Son to pay the price that no man could have paid.Plus how we could never earn our way into Heaven or work our way in.Very real and very powerful! Now know that as I remembered and reflected on those times I remembered feeling the Holy Spirit move and I became warm sometimes(because every time Billy Graham's crusades came on my parents watched them) and I understood that this was a big deal not to be taken lightly.
So last night Laura and I watched Greg Laurie preach a very powerful and moving story from Luke 15:11-32 about the Prodigal Son and he used that story that Jesus told to show the world the nature of our Loving God who lets us make those choices which lead us into the pigpens of life and how when we have exhausted all our money,time,efforts to make it in the world,when we are broken,in the pit of despair we can turn back to a Forgiving and Wonderful God who runs to embrace us when He sees us returning back to Him! I know so of you may not get this but I too didn't get it completely as a kid but as a man I see the need for Jesus Christ in everyone's life now more than ever. And you don't have to be like the Prodigal son or daughter to accept Jesus. You can decide today!
So here's the big question to you. Where are you going to spend Eternity?
Heaven: A place of immeasurable joy,love,peace, being and seeing God face to face, living forever. OR hell a Place of torment and pain,where no relief will be given ,only sorrow,horrible suffering that will never end.A place void of Light,God. Don't be fooled by the common things we all have heard from time to time.The lies and falsehoods,false doctrines twisted, taught by the father of lies who will try to the very end to deceive,destroy,and take down as many souls as he can before the Day of the Lord comes upon the whole world and when he will be thrown into the Pit!
Mankind is not making good choices! Contrary to what CNN,MSNBC or any world leaders tell us and we do have a nature of sinful ways,self-centeredness,living as if tomorrow will never come,feeding the lusts of the eyes,the lusts of the flesh and please don't be fooled by the misconception that there are many ways to Heaven and no matter what the Bible says we all get in just because we have done good deeds. satan the counterfeiter has lied to mankind for thousands of years and people believe that garbage because they feel entitled or I deserve it now all the pleasures of life and of these are excuses for bad behaviour and they are SIN. And the wages of SIN are death! Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Our problems as human beings are the same as in the days of when Jesus walked the earth just on a bigger scale. We can see the world events instantly as they happen and we can watch shows that attack our souls daily breaking down our moral,spiritual ideas till we become filled with darkness and despair straight from hell itself! Life without Christ!
So you ask yourselves Is it too LATE? Not as long as you have breath to speak and a heart that beats! Confess that you are a sinner and that you need Jesus Christ who lived,was crucified, died,rose again and will return someday to judge the living and the dead, that from now on you will follow Jesus Christ and change your ways by letting Him into your heart,mind,and soul from this day forward. To be a Follower of the Messiah,the Lion of Judah
You may ask how do I know what to do after I say this prayer and have Jesus in me? Well get a Bible or borrow one and read the Gospel of John,Talk to God and ask for Him to lead you by His Holy Spirit to show you a church that teaches the UNcompromising WORD of God and doesn't have you do dead rituals and traditions of men that will not get you Salvation, any growth in Jesus.
Be Blessed this day and always remember Jesus is the Way,the Truth and the Life and NO man comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ. John 14:6
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