2012 A new year! Hopes,Dreams, Anticipation,Feelings of Joy a new year brings in many emotions and feelings for all of us. Many are anxious about the state of the world and the many nations that are in turmoil. And many more are awaiting the return of Jesus to take them away from all of this. And many more believe the earth will just blow up with earthquakes,fires, natural disasters like never before and the whole human race will be wiped out.
Whatever your fears,worries,or hopes are all of them matter not against the fact that Jesus is God's son and He will someday come back , not to take believers out of this mess but for judgement and defeat of the devil. We are looking for answers and the only answer is in Jesus Christ and by being saved by the Blood of the Lamb of God!
One Point to ponder is this? If 2012 is the end of life as we know it shouldn't we be right with God and turn away from our sinful ways and turn back to Jesus who paid for all of our sins and if this is the year that ends shouldn't you want to live with Jesus in Heaven than in hell with satan being tortured for all eternity.
Why would you even have to think about both choices? Many do question God's plan. Do you know Jesus? Do you care where your soul will be? Where do you stand?
Jesus did tell us in Matthew 24-25 that we will know the season but not the time when Judgement comes and I myself do believe we are in the season. Just look around the whole world is going to hell and life as we knew it is changing moment by moment,getting worse and you sit and said.I am OK I am living well. That can change in a blink of a eye!
The bottom line:If this is the year 2012, only one person matters and His Name is Jesus and accept Him as your Saviour and live this year in His Loving arms. Get involved in a bible-based church with fellow believers and get right with God and show others by your example that Jesus Saves and He makes your life better and fuller,richer than any gold could buy.
And if 2012 turns into 2013 and everyone survives you will have your name written in the book of life and when you stand before God .Jesus will say "Welcome Home my child."
Take the steps into Jesus's arms and receive His Gift of Life why wait now is a great time.
Ask Jesus into your heart and soul confess Him as your Lord and Saviour,Admit you are a sinner and can't get into heaven w/o Jesus and by His Blood He paid the price for your salvation.Ask Jesus to come and live in you and change you from the inside out and that your life is His now.
If you have done this, asked Jesus into you life and soul. TELL Someone email,phone call ,IM, reply to a blog.
May the God of all Creation Bless you and this new year and may His Son shine from you and I in a way that everyone will know that Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of all. Enjoy the rest of your year IN Jesus Name! Pax Carl
A place to read,understand,grow and comment about living in a world that shuns God and Jesus. Also a blog that will question your reasons ,beliefs,and spirituality and asking Do You Know Jesus? Life in surrender to Jesus Christ 1st Peter 2:4-5 2nd Peter 7:1
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Cry for Jesus
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Struggling with Life
Many of you may have some of the same problems as I do in these Winter months. I find that my body is in more pain,and in more hurts that I can shake a stick at. Thats the physical part of how I have to roll very slowly some days,to be honest it has made me not want to write or do much of anything lately.
Now on the other hand my spiritual life has grown in ways that I could have never imagined a year ago. Trusting Jesus and accepting His plan and His ways for my life has become a path of many different ideas and plans that w/o God would never have jelled..
Yes getting up each morning I get to make funny sounds and parts of me sound like a bowl of Rice Crispies,I just chalk that up to years of abusing my body and not taking better care of my vessel.
But many of you would have a better outlook including myself each morning by remembering what Jesus did for all of us on that cross. And someday we all will get new and improved bodies with no funny sounds included. Be blessed and have a prayerful new year. Pax Carl
Now on the other hand my spiritual life has grown in ways that I could have never imagined a year ago. Trusting Jesus and accepting His plan and His ways for my life has become a path of many different ideas and plans that w/o God would never have jelled..
Yes getting up each morning I get to make funny sounds and parts of me sound like a bowl of Rice Crispies,I just chalk that up to years of abusing my body and not taking better care of my vessel.
But many of you would have a better outlook including myself each morning by remembering what Jesus did for all of us on that cross. And someday we all will get new and improved bodies with no funny sounds included. Be blessed and have a prayerful new year. Pax Carl
Monday, December 26, 2011
The Day After
The day After Christmas and all thru the house not a soul was stirring not even the mouse. Mom and I were exhausted and tired in our recliners in giving Thanks that Christmas comes but once a year. The cats were excited and playing with glee with the wrapping paper with great hope we would leave it out all year.Our laptops were running and we did enjoy the new Big Fish games Santa brought us this year.As our bodies told us "What where you doing?" Last nite we had great cheer! we answered and as this day moves on we get to rest and recover from family fun,food,fellowship and sharing the joy of the real reason for this season is still here! THANK YOU JESUS!
Jesus yes Jesus Our Lord and Saviour by His birth we are entered into a deeper relationship with the Father in HEAVEN. So let us take a moment and Thank God for His perfect plan of Salvation and His perfect ways in revealing thru Jesus all that God has for us. Remember Jesus for all of the year and Worship and embrace Our Loving Father. Amen with Peace and Joy to all of you,May God bless all of you and keep everyone in His Hands In Jesus Name. Pax Carl
Jesus yes Jesus Our Lord and Saviour by His birth we are entered into a deeper relationship with the Father in HEAVEN. So let us take a moment and Thank God for His perfect plan of Salvation and His perfect ways in revealing thru Jesus all that God has for us. Remember Jesus for all of the year and Worship and embrace Our Loving Father. Amen with Peace and Joy to all of you,May God bless all of you and keep everyone in His Hands In Jesus Name. Pax Carl
Friday, December 23, 2011
Be BOLD for Jesus
(2Tim 4:2 [NET])
Preach the message, be ready whether it is convenient or not, reprove, rebuke, exhort with complete patience and instruction.
(2Tim 4:3 [NET])
For there will be a time when people will not tolerate sound teaching. Instead, following their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves, because they have an insatiable curiosity to hear new things.
(2Tim 4:4 [NET])
And they will turn away from hearing the truth, but on the other hand they will turn aside to myths.
(2Tim 4:5 [NET])
You, however, be self-controlled in all things, endure hardship, do an evangelist’s work, fulfill your ministry.
As Christians if many of haven't figured it out yet we are under attack. That is a very simple fact for all of us to get. This next year we will see more and more freedoms removed from our daily life for national security reasons and we will just sit back and let it happen or we can stand up and make a stand against Obama's great plan of redemption to save our country.
But we need to do it a way that will give Glory to God the Father and in a way that will promote Jesus Christ as the way the truth and the life. Because as Paul wrote in his letter to Timonty we have to be ready at all times and in all seasons to give the answers to the hard questions that are posed before us.
So the answer to each of us is this.GET IN the WORD of GOD get to know it inside and out. get it in your Soul. In Jesus Name Amen
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Spending Time Alone with GOD
Let me ask a question of you all. How many of you spend time alone with God? I am not taking about reading the bible or prayer time. I am talking about time spent quietly, alone and just sitting and listening to God's voice. Yes He does speak to us and He gives us input on every aspect of our lives.
Jesus is our example.He prayed to His Father in Heaven many times throughout His time on earth and don't you think that after praying He listened for His Father's answers.The Bible tells us of many times that Jesus went away, apart from the disciples ,to be alone and prayed and He listened.
So I am encouraging each and everyone of you to pray and to listen for God to help you and guide you in your daily walk with Jesus because even in this season of Christmas and New Years we still need Jesus and we still need to be obedience to the Almighty God Who is Sovereign and Powerful in all His ways.
Remember God's plans are correct,perfect in everyway and even if we don't agree with them God knows the outcome and the beginning ad the end, whatever we face we can face it with Jesus by our side holding us up when we are to weak to stand by ourselfs. Reach out for Jesus! Amen
Jesus is our example.He prayed to His Father in Heaven many times throughout His time on earth and don't you think that after praying He listened for His Father's answers.The Bible tells us of many times that Jesus went away, apart from the disciples ,to be alone and prayed and He listened.
So I am encouraging each and everyone of you to pray and to listen for God to help you and guide you in your daily walk with Jesus because even in this season of Christmas and New Years we still need Jesus and we still need to be obedience to the Almighty God Who is Sovereign and Powerful in all His ways.
Remember God's plans are correct,perfect in everyway and even if we don't agree with them God knows the outcome and the beginning ad the end, whatever we face we can face it with Jesus by our side holding us up when we are to weak to stand by ourselfs. Reach out for Jesus! Amen
Monday, December 19, 2011
God loves you and guess what all that you do and all that you say will not get you the grace and joy of God's mercy. You can't pay for it or earn it or work hard enough for it. It isn't a fundraising event with the prize of God's gift awaiting when you reach the goal. God can't be bought!
Unconditional Love from God is waiting for each of us and He wants to give you all that Jesus is and what Jesus did for you and me. Jesus died on the cross and paid in full all that the Father demaned and in that payment you and I can walk,talk,live it a way that makes life very real and different.
Do you know how to talk to God? Do you know that Jesus died for you? Do you know that salvation is free? Do you understand that nothing you can do can get you into Heaven except one and only one act and don't let anyone Preachers,Teachers, Priests, Rabbis, friends,families mislead you or lead you away from the Truth which is This Jesus is the Way,the Truth and the Life and NO one comes to the Father except thru Jesus. Jesus stands at the door knocking and He waits for you to open that door because the doorknob is not on His side but it is on yours so take the chance for change. By opening the door and accepting Jesus in your life will change your life. Why are you waiting? What do you want? A written invitation Yes you say! Well there is a written invite It's called the Bible,God's written word. And it is full of God's promises and shows us what God has done for us and how this life will change and be more with Jesus. So find,seek,get a bible,find a Holy Spirit filled church that teaches the uncompromising word of God and that Jesus died and paid the price and that He will return one day to judge each of us.And as Jesus said "GO and SIN NO MORE!"Live Boldly in Jesus Christ ad walk w/o fear.
Unconditional Love from God is waiting for each of us and He wants to give you all that Jesus is and what Jesus did for you and me. Jesus died on the cross and paid in full all that the Father demaned and in that payment you and I can walk,talk,live it a way that makes life very real and different.
Do you know how to talk to God? Do you know that Jesus died for you? Do you know that salvation is free? Do you understand that nothing you can do can get you into Heaven except one and only one act and don't let anyone Preachers,Teachers, Priests, Rabbis, friends,families mislead you or lead you away from the Truth which is This Jesus is the Way,the Truth and the Life and NO one comes to the Father except thru Jesus. Jesus stands at the door knocking and He waits for you to open that door because the doorknob is not on His side but it is on yours so take the chance for change. By opening the door and accepting Jesus in your life will change your life. Why are you waiting? What do you want? A written invitation Yes you say! Well there is a written invite It's called the Bible,God's written word. And it is full of God's promises and shows us what God has done for us and how this life will change and be more with Jesus. So find,seek,get a bible,find a Holy Spirit filled church that teaches the uncompromising word of God and that Jesus died and paid the price and that He will return one day to judge each of us.And as Jesus said "GO and SIN NO MORE!"Live Boldly in Jesus Christ ad walk w/o fear.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
God is listening! Always
Isa 55:6 [NET])
Seek the LORD while he makes himself available; call to him while he is nearby!
Just a note to others. We live in a world that is moving @ warp speed in removing all references to Jesus Christ and removing any Spiritual comments in Christmas. And by just be reading this verse there is a flip side folks! God makes Himself available which means He can become UN-available. We keep pushing Jesus,God out of our lives ad guess what God will honor our choices and He will turn away from this nation and Woe to us for the powers of darkness will rejoice on that day. Pax CH
What I wrote above was posted on Facebook today and I would guess that not to many people are going to understand the statement I am trying to make. It's very simple in God's Word we can read all about how,what,when,where and why God's plans are prefect and just. And whom Jesus is!
The one thing I am addressing is this God gives and he can take away, God blesses and He can curse. The Bible is very clear on that even Jesus cursed a fig tree that bore no fruit.
So as we let yes I said LET the world of darkness dictate our Spiritual understanding and our walk with Jesus.It is the time to fight back,Time to draw a line in the sand. Time to stop letting the schoolyard bully pound on us each day.Time to stand up and start using all that Jesus has given us as disciples of Jesus Christ and use everything as Jesus said "It Is Written!" Wake up! turn from your sinful ways and most important quit being a laid-down Christian,letting everyone, everything run over you
Because one day you will look around and see a world completely void and barren,a wilderness of moral corruption and no where will you find God. And then will you cry and holler and ask why? And God will answer and say "You let this happen."
Keep Christ in your heart and fight back against darkness with the Light of Jesus. Pax CH
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Later today/Presence of God
Yesterday I got released from my W/C by Dr.Basran a great doctor.Well this afternoon because I overdid it yesterday. I must take it slow and easy now and today spending time with God. As I had to sit I became aware that a quiet presence came over me as I began to thank Jesus for all that he has shown me and how life has been changed by God . I am beyond words, my brain doesn't have the words but I know God in a way that never has been revealed to me in my whole life God,Jesus and the Holy Spirit has walked with me even when I refused to listen to Jesus. Jesus knew that one day I would give all that I am to Him and become the man,person,human being He intended me to be. What can I say? My Heart,mind and soul are forever in Jesus Christ's service and I am humbled by the wonderful facts that Jesus died for me and my sins and all the pain,suffering,grief that I have endured are but a speck of sand against what Jesus has done for me and for all of us.
Becoming a new creation in Christ is very real and very true because I am re-born,re-made,redeemed by the Lion of Judah. Each day we all must put on the whole and complete amounr of God and get on our feet to stand firm and be bold for Jesus.
How many of you can do this? Stand up for Jesus! Are you a Warrior for God's Army? If not sign up and become one of many,join the Body of Christ. Amen
Becoming a new creation in Christ is very real and very true because I am re-born,re-made,redeemed by the Lion of Judah. Each day we all must put on the whole and complete amounr of God and get on our feet to stand firm and be bold for Jesus.
How many of you can do this? Stand up for Jesus! Are you a Warrior for God's Army? If not sign up and become one of many,join the Body of Christ. Amen
How is your Foundation?
As a 14-16 year old boy I was shipped over to my Aunt & Uncle's home in Indiana during the summer months to help my Uncle John build a addition onto their existing home. At the time I knew nothing about building a house from the ground up. Nothing and when I got there all I saw was a huge hole in the ground with mud in it. But the next day the mason and his son came and started to work and I was told to carry cinder blocks into the hole and as I saw the man work I saw the footings in the ground and I marveled how could a house be built on something like that and it was explained to me by my Uncle how weeks before the mason and himself had dug into the ground and measured and set up forms,poured concrete into those forms and how both of them worked very carefully to make sure that the footings were level and squared up.
So as the days progressed and more and more blocks were laid one atop another they became walls and they supported the frame of the house and then the roof . In all of this my Uncle John had me do many things to help the construction of this house to be reinforced and strengthen to withstand Indiana tornadoes. And as I understand this house is still standing and it has survived a few tornado's and high wind situations.
My thoughts for today are this everything we do is this life has to begin with a solid,strong,committed foundation.
As we can read and see in the bible Foundations are very important and needed: Poverbs3:19 , Job 38:4, Isaiah 28:16, Luke 6:48-49, 1st Cor.3:11, Eph.1:4, Hebrews6:1.
Those are just a few that speak of the foundation of the earth,How God made the foundations before anything,how Having Jesus Christ in you is the Foundation and Finisher of our Faith. We are to be well grounded in Jesus standing firm just as my Uncle's house was built upon solid footings that supported the whole house we have Jesus Christ supporting all that we are. He is the cornerstone of our beliefs and understanding and He is our example of how to walk and do you live as Disciples of Christ? Are you Following the Masters examples?
How is your Foundation? Strong or weak, upright or falling apart. How is your relationships? Your Jobs? And lets not forget the most important. Where is Jesus in your Foundation? Is He part of your house that is built on sand or on bedrock? The stone that the builders rejected became the cornerstone of our Faith! Trusting and being disciples of Jesus it's not a weak,unstable lifestyle it is power,strength and Joy in Jesus.
Amen and enjoy your day. Pax CH
So as the days progressed and more and more blocks were laid one atop another they became walls and they supported the frame of the house and then the roof . In all of this my Uncle John had me do many things to help the construction of this house to be reinforced and strengthen to withstand Indiana tornadoes. And as I understand this house is still standing and it has survived a few tornado's and high wind situations.
My thoughts for today are this everything we do is this life has to begin with a solid,strong,committed foundation.
As we can read and see in the bible Foundations are very important and needed: Poverbs3:19 , Job 38:4, Isaiah 28:16, Luke 6:48-49, 1st Cor.3:11, Eph.1:4, Hebrews6:1.
Those are just a few that speak of the foundation of the earth,How God made the foundations before anything,how Having Jesus Christ in you is the Foundation and Finisher of our Faith. We are to be well grounded in Jesus standing firm just as my Uncle's house was built upon solid footings that supported the whole house we have Jesus Christ supporting all that we are. He is the cornerstone of our beliefs and understanding and He is our example of how to walk and do you live as Disciples of Christ? Are you Following the Masters examples?
How is your Foundation? Strong or weak, upright or falling apart. How is your relationships? Your Jobs? And lets not forget the most important. Where is Jesus in your Foundation? Is He part of your house that is built on sand or on bedrock? The stone that the builders rejected became the cornerstone of our Faith! Trusting and being disciples of Jesus it's not a weak,unstable lifestyle it is power,strength and Joy in Jesus.
Amen and enjoy your day. Pax CH
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Sent out or the great commission
(Luke 9:1 [NET])
After Jesus called the twelve together, he gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases,
This verse has so much in it and so much for us to glean from. I ready enjoy looking at this.
Jesus gathered His bunch together and explained to them what they were to do. and as we can get into the Greek meanings we will start with:
Power - Doonamis in the Greek = Force,Miraculous Power, A Miracle itself, Strength, Mighty Wonderful Work. So Jesus Gave them Miraculous Power and Strength to do Mighty Wonderful works.
Authority - Exouseeah = Privilege, Capacity, Competency, Freedom, Mastery, Jurisdiction, Liberty, Power, Right. They had the Right and Freedom over all demons also they had Mastery,Power,and the total Jurisdiction and Full Capacity with all the abilities to release/to give liberty to those held captive by the powers of the evil one and to cure Disease. In a shorter version they had complete control in all that they where set out to do!
All- Pas = Any,Every All/every demons and every/all disease's
Cure- Therapeno =To heal, To Adore,Worship God, To serve as a Teacher,being a Christian steward,Host,Friend,To wait upon Menially. These explanations give me pause to really look at the fact that all 12 went out into the surrounding towns,and community's and in casting out demons and curing disease's that they did but in the doing they were Teaching and befriending those that were healed and released from bondage and in doing that they waited on people as hosts and all that the 12 did was active acts of Worshiping God , Adoration of the God of creation and that is Awe inspiring and Humbling also.
Now take all of the above and put it in yourself and in your daily walk with Jesus and know this that we have been given a great commission to do the same as the 12 did and when we all GET That in our spirits,souls and minds and quit thinking that we can't do that cause we don't have the same power and authority as the 12. We are very wrong and are being blinded by the evil one because Jesus said that as followers of Jesus Christ we will do all that He did and more.
That's the mindset we all have to have Be like Christ, He showed us the Way,the Truth,the Life. So wake up ,walk boldly, and know what you have and whom lives in your soul. The Lion of Judah,The King of King,The Messiah,Our Saviour.
Have a Blessed and productive day In Jesus name Amen Pax Carl
After Jesus called the twelve together, he gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases,
This verse has so much in it and so much for us to glean from. I ready enjoy looking at this.
Jesus gathered His bunch together and explained to them what they were to do. and as we can get into the Greek meanings we will start with:
Power - Doonamis in the Greek = Force,Miraculous Power, A Miracle itself, Strength, Mighty Wonderful Work. So Jesus Gave them Miraculous Power and Strength to do Mighty Wonderful works.
Authority - Exouseeah = Privilege, Capacity, Competency, Freedom, Mastery, Jurisdiction, Liberty, Power, Right. They had the Right and Freedom over all demons also they had Mastery,Power,and the total Jurisdiction and Full Capacity with all the abilities to release/to give liberty to those held captive by the powers of the evil one and to cure Disease. In a shorter version they had complete control in all that they where set out to do!
All- Pas = Any,Every All/every demons and every/all disease's
Cure- Therapeno =To heal, To Adore,Worship God, To serve as a Teacher,being a Christian steward,Host,Friend,To wait upon Menially. These explanations give me pause to really look at the fact that all 12 went out into the surrounding towns,and community's and in casting out demons and curing disease's that they did but in the doing they were Teaching and befriending those that were healed and released from bondage and in doing that they waited on people as hosts and all that the 12 did was active acts of Worshiping God , Adoration of the God of creation and that is Awe inspiring and Humbling also.
Now take all of the above and put it in yourself and in your daily walk with Jesus and know this that we have been given a great commission to do the same as the 12 did and when we all GET That in our spirits,souls and minds and quit thinking that we can't do that cause we don't have the same power and authority as the 12. We are very wrong and are being blinded by the evil one because Jesus said that as followers of Jesus Christ we will do all that He did and more.
That's the mindset we all have to have Be like Christ, He showed us the Way,the Truth,the Life. So wake up ,walk boldly, and know what you have and whom lives in your soul. The Lion of Judah,The King of King,The Messiah,Our Saviour.
Have a Blessed and productive day In Jesus name Amen Pax Carl
Sunday, December 4, 2011
A challenge
Many are reading my blogs which makes me glad to say I never expected someone in Malaysia,Germany,Russia,USA to read them but me biggest joy is in sharing how Jesus has changed my outlook, my life,my abilities to see,feel,understand how important it is to surrender,trust,bask in the Light of love and the warmth of the Spirit of God and to wake up each day and be able to rejoice,and thank Jesus for His sacrifice in paying the price t wash my sins away so where I can stand spotless and w/o blemish before the Almighty Father ad sing praises to Him.
So here's my challenge to all you all:
As this year comes to a close I ask each of you to reflect on your past year and write down everything that you had to face,all the bad stuff and all the good stuff and be very serious about this.And as you think and ponder your list remember each event and then write how in each thing how Jesus helped,guided,influenced,shepherded you in all the good and bad.
Also take a moment and look back to a year ago and write where you were:
Spiritual,mentally,emotional,physically and write that down also.
All of this information now is before you in black and white on paper ready to be shared with others if you chose. The reason I ask you all to put it all down on paper it is because you now have something tangible in your hands to say to the whole world !
"Jesus has saved me and He has walked with me all this time and because Jesus is beside me my burdens are lighten and my tasks are easier and I know that I Am Loved by God and my Faith has been strengthen by my trials and tribulations."
Now lastly if you dare to share send out your list to those who may by in a place of confusion,or pain,or doubt about Jesus and what He can do and let them know that Jesus will carry the load for them and help them in their darkest hour and the reason I speak like this is Jesus reached out to me in my hour of darkness and lifted me up and looked me in my eyes and told me that he loves me and that I was worthy and that he heard my cries in the night. Jesus embraced me and held me till I stopped crying and He comforted me till I was made whole again. And now I write and express my Joy in Jesus that nothing can take away from me and nothing can shake my Faith in a God that has great Love for each and every one of us. Amen Pax Carl
So here's my challenge to all you all:
As this year comes to a close I ask each of you to reflect on your past year and write down everything that you had to face,all the bad stuff and all the good stuff and be very serious about this.And as you think and ponder your list remember each event and then write how in each thing how Jesus helped,guided,influenced,shepherded you in all the good and bad.
Also take a moment and look back to a year ago and write where you were:
Spiritual,mentally,emotional,physically and write that down also.
All of this information now is before you in black and white on paper ready to be shared with others if you chose. The reason I ask you all to put it all down on paper it is because you now have something tangible in your hands to say to the whole world !
"Jesus has saved me and He has walked with me all this time and because Jesus is beside me my burdens are lighten and my tasks are easier and I know that I Am Loved by God and my Faith has been strengthen by my trials and tribulations."
Now lastly if you dare to share send out your list to those who may by in a place of confusion,or pain,or doubt about Jesus and what He can do and let them know that Jesus will carry the load for them and help them in their darkest hour and the reason I speak like this is Jesus reached out to me in my hour of darkness and lifted me up and looked me in my eyes and told me that he loves me and that I was worthy and that he heard my cries in the night. Jesus embraced me and held me till I stopped crying and He comforted me till I was made whole again. And now I write and express my Joy in Jesus that nothing can take away from me and nothing can shake my Faith in a God that has great Love for each and every one of us. Amen Pax Carl
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Jesus & John and being obedience
Jesus and John related as cousins. what a thought! How did they interact as children?
They were aware of each other when Elizabeth and Mary met because in Luke 1:39-45. Luke writes how John leaped in his Mother's womb when Mary greeted Elizabeth.
I have been intrigued about how these two grew up as cousins and how family gatherings must have been. I know that thinking about this could be a waste of my time but I believe that Jesus and John both knew what God had for them and that both were filled with God's Holy Spirit as the bible speaks on this with Jesus being obedience to His Father's will and John baptizing Jesus he (John) then formally recognizing Jesus as the Son of GOD.
But to make a statement it is this yes it would be very interesting to read about Jesus and John growing up together but I suppose that it may have taken away from the message that God wanted for us to understand.
When we become baptized it is a outward showing to others of your inner commitment to surrender,to be obedience to God the Father just as Jesus did. Then what God did to Jesus releasing the Holy Spirit that happens to us we become filled and empowered with the Holy Spirit.
And as you become empowered with Holy Spirit power you then can do what God has called you to do for the body of Christ.
With the Holy Spirit indwelling in us we are assured of some facts:
We have been called for something in the body of Christ and I am talking about whatever tasks,jobs,teaching preaching,cleaning and anything that helps your church or a ministry anything that promotes God the Father thru His Son Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Spread the Good News.
The second fact is being baptized makes a change inside you! I know because when I was baptized the whole world looked more alive,clearer,fresher and all of creation just seemed to glow.
Thirdly you become more motivated to seek God's plan for your life. I became hungry for God's plan for what does He want me to do.
I started this blog and became members of New Life Christian Center
Lastly as in the days of old God's presence come into the Temple and dwelt there and nowadays the Presence of God can dwell in us because of the Holy Spirit and just ask yourself one simple question.
How can I not be changed by God when I completely surrendered to His Son Jesus? Jesus does change you from the inside out and then you become a new creation in Christ. Just do it! Accept the free gift that waits for your decision.
They were aware of each other when Elizabeth and Mary met because in Luke 1:39-45. Luke writes how John leaped in his Mother's womb when Mary greeted Elizabeth.
I have been intrigued about how these two grew up as cousins and how family gatherings must have been. I know that thinking about this could be a waste of my time but I believe that Jesus and John both knew what God had for them and that both were filled with God's Holy Spirit as the bible speaks on this with Jesus being obedience to His Father's will and John baptizing Jesus he (John) then formally recognizing Jesus as the Son of GOD.
But to make a statement it is this yes it would be very interesting to read about Jesus and John growing up together but I suppose that it may have taken away from the message that God wanted for us to understand.
When we become baptized it is a outward showing to others of your inner commitment to surrender,to be obedience to God the Father just as Jesus did. Then what God did to Jesus releasing the Holy Spirit that happens to us we become filled and empowered with the Holy Spirit.
And as you become empowered with Holy Spirit power you then can do what God has called you to do for the body of Christ.
With the Holy Spirit indwelling in us we are assured of some facts:
We have been called for something in the body of Christ and I am talking about whatever tasks,jobs,teaching preaching,cleaning and anything that helps your church or a ministry anything that promotes God the Father thru His Son Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Spread the Good News.
The second fact is being baptized makes a change inside you! I know because when I was baptized the whole world looked more alive,clearer,fresher and all of creation just seemed to glow.
Thirdly you become more motivated to seek God's plan for your life. I became hungry for God's plan for what does He want me to do.
I started this blog and became members of New Life Christian Center
Lastly as in the days of old God's presence come into the Temple and dwelt there and nowadays the Presence of God can dwell in us because of the Holy Spirit and just ask yourself one simple question.
How can I not be changed by God when I completely surrendered to His Son Jesus? Jesus does change you from the inside out and then you become a new creation in Christ. Just do it! Accept the free gift that waits for your decision.
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