2012 A new year! Hopes,Dreams, Anticipation,Feelings of Joy a new year brings in many emotions and feelings for all of us. Many are anxious about the state of the world and the many nations that are in turmoil. And many more are awaiting the return of Jesus to take them away from all of this. And many more believe the earth will just blow up with earthquakes,fires, natural disasters like never before and the whole human race will be wiped out.
Whatever your fears,worries,or hopes are all of them matter not against the fact that Jesus is God's son and He will someday come back , not to take believers out of this mess but for judgement and defeat of the devil. We are looking for answers and the only answer is in Jesus Christ and by being saved by the Blood of the Lamb of God!
One Point to ponder is this? If 2012 is the end of life as we know it shouldn't we be right with God and turn away from our sinful ways and turn back to Jesus who paid for all of our sins and if this is the year that ends shouldn't you want to live with Jesus in Heaven than in hell with satan being tortured for all eternity.
Why would you even have to think about both choices? Many do question God's plan. Do you know Jesus? Do you care where your soul will be? Where do you stand?
Jesus did tell us in Matthew 24-25 that we will know the season but not the time when Judgement comes and I myself do believe we are in the season. Just look around the whole world is going to hell and life as we knew it is changing moment by moment,getting worse and you sit and said.I am OK I am living well. That can change in a blink of a eye!
The bottom line:If this is the year 2012, only one person matters and His Name is Jesus and accept Him as your Saviour and live this year in His Loving arms. Get involved in a bible-based church with fellow believers and get right with God and show others by your example that Jesus Saves and He makes your life better and fuller,richer than any gold could buy.
And if 2012 turns into 2013 and everyone survives you will have your name written in the book of life and when you stand before God .Jesus will say "Welcome Home my child."
Take the steps into Jesus's arms and receive His Gift of Life why wait now is a great time.
Ask Jesus into your heart and soul confess Him as your Lord and Saviour,Admit you are a sinner and can't get into heaven w/o Jesus and by His Blood He paid the price for your salvation.Ask Jesus to come and live in you and change you from the inside out and that your life is His now.
If you have done this, asked Jesus into you life and soul. TELL Someone email,phone call ,IM, reply to a blog.
May the God of all Creation Bless you and this new year and may His Son shine from you and I in a way that everyone will know that Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of all. Enjoy the rest of your year IN Jesus Name! Pax Carl
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