Thursday, December 1, 2011

Jesus & John and being obedience

Jesus and John related as cousins. what a thought! How did they interact as children?
They were aware of each other when Elizabeth and Mary met because in Luke 1:39-45. Luke writes how John leaped in his Mother's womb when Mary greeted Elizabeth.

I have been intrigued about how these two grew up as cousins and how family gatherings must have been. I know that thinking about this could be a waste of my time but I believe that Jesus and John both knew what God had for them and that both were filled with God's Holy Spirit as the bible speaks on this with Jesus being obedience to His Father's will and John baptizing Jesus he (John) then formally recognizing Jesus as the Son of GOD.

But to make a statement it is this yes it would be very interesting to read about Jesus and John growing up together but I suppose that it may have taken away from the message that God wanted for us to understand.
When we become baptized it is a outward showing to others of your inner commitment to surrender,to be obedience to God the Father just as Jesus did. Then what God did to Jesus releasing the Holy Spirit that  happens to us we become filled and empowered with the Holy Spirit.

And as you become empowered with Holy Spirit power you then can do what God has called you to do for the body of Christ.

With the Holy Spirit indwelling in us we are assured of some facts:

We have been called for something in the body of Christ and I am talking about whatever tasks,jobs,teaching preaching,cleaning and anything that helps your church or a ministry anything that promotes God the Father thru His Son Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Spread the Good News.

The second fact is being baptized makes a change inside you! I know because when I was baptized the whole world looked more alive,clearer,fresher and all of creation just seemed to glow.

Thirdly you become more motivated to seek God's plan for your life. I became hungry for God's plan for what does He want me to do.
I started this blog and became members of New Life Christian Center

 Lastly as in the days of old God's presence come into the Temple and dwelt there and nowadays the Presence of God can dwell in us because of the Holy Spirit and just ask yourself one simple question.
How can I not be changed by God when I completely surrendered to His Son Jesus? Jesus does change you from the inside out and then you become a new creation in Christ. Just do it! Accept the free gift that waits for your decision.

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