Let me ask a question of you all. How many of you spend time alone with God? I am not taking about reading the bible or prayer time. I am talking about time spent quietly, alone and just sitting and listening to God's voice. Yes He does speak to us and He gives us input on every aspect of our lives.
Jesus is our example.He prayed to His Father in Heaven many times throughout His time on earth and don't you think that after praying He listened for His Father's answers.The Bible tells us of many times that Jesus went away, apart from the disciples ,to be alone and prayed and He listened.
So I am encouraging each and everyone of you to pray and to listen for God to help you and guide you in your daily walk with Jesus because even in this season of Christmas and New Years we still need Jesus and we still need to be obedience to the Almighty God Who is Sovereign and Powerful in all His ways.
Remember God's plans are correct,perfect in everyway and even if we don't agree with them God knows the outcome and the beginning ad the end, whatever we face we can face it with Jesus by our side holding us up when we are to weak to stand by ourselfs. Reach out for Jesus! Amen
1 comment:
Amen Carl. Jesus sent a helper in the "holy spirit" shortly afer his ascension back to heaven. I don't believe heaven is in the vicinity of this earth, but the "holy spirit" is readily available to all who are seeking righteousness and truth. And that is also why the merchants were forcefully thrown out of the temple so that people seeking truth and righteousness would be able to meditate and listen to God's voice.
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