Thursday, October 17, 2013

My sense of urgency or why I write the way I do!

Why I have a sense of Urgency
Of those of you who may read my writings and thoughts may find some of them a bit harsh or in your face kind of stuff. Well I write in such a manner due to a sense of urgency that God has placed in my soul about the way this nation and in fact the way this world seems to headed faster and faster into of what God's Word tells us how,what and why things are going the way and it also tells us of how God sent His Son Jesus Christ to bring Salvation and Hope to the whole human race.

So today I will tell you why I needed Jesus Christ and how He has changed my life.

I was a sinner in a big way.I decided that I knew best and that I was safe from judgement or hell itself because I had followed a path that was spiritual but it wasn't Godly. I was involved in things that I felt that I controlled but in fact I had no control at all. For in my teen years I jumped into drugs and when I joined the Army I found out that I could immerse myself into more drugs,porn,and drinking and then I embraced the occult in a way that eventually consumed me body,mind but not my soul. Little did I know then but I know now God had a plan and He waited for me and many times over my youth from time to time Christian folks would speak into my life asking me "The Question" "Do you know Jesus?" I would say yes but when they asked me deeper questions I would make excuses or mumble something but most times I ran. Yes I ran. I look back now and laugh about it but at the time inside me I was in turmoil. When I found Jesus I still kept a part of me away from Him. I figured that I knew best. Yes I studied God's Word and I changed my ways and I embraced Jesus and learned much but I knew a part of me wasn't totally committed for Christ Jesus. God had a plan,His Holy Spirit worked with me and as the Master Potter worked the clay that was me I begin to understand,grow in Christ and as life moved forward and as I reached my deepest,lowest point I cried out to Jesus, in fact the song by Third Day "Cry Out for Jesus" touched my soul and made me realize that that part of me that I kept from God was now broken and ready for the Potter to mold into His plan. So I told Jesus in my prayers that I was done with my life and that if He didn't have something for me to do that I wanted to go home to Heaven. As I prayed on the third night I knew my prayers had been heard because everything changed that night because since that night in Nov.2010 I surrendered my whole life to Jesus and I told Him that I was His till my last breath was breathed and I now have a sense of urgency about Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit's Guidance I have in me a passion in me to shake up the ones that read my stuff and to tell as many as possible that this world is being deceived and many Christians are not getting it right. The devil has convinced many that Jesus is coming back to "Rapture" His church and that many more doctrines that are wrong. So that's why I write the way I do because none of us know when Jesus Christ will return for Judgement and when He returns the door will be closed for anyone else to be Saved. Jesus has given each of us some gift that He wants us to share and to spread why He came to this world and that He is the Giver of Life and the Life Jesus gives is Everlasting. So if you have read this it is a short version of how Awesome the Love of Jesus is and how much He wants all mankind to be saved, Give your life to Jesus Christ and surrender yourself  to the One who made you. Time IS short so don't waste it!

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