Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Later today/Presence of God

Yesterday I got released from my W/C by Dr.Basran a great doctor.Well this afternoon because I overdid it yesterday. I must take it slow and easy now and today spending time with God. As I had to sit I became aware that a quiet presence came over me as I began to thank Jesus for all that he has shown me and how life has been changed by God . I am beyond words, my brain doesn't have the words but I know God in a way that never has been revealed to me in my whole life God,Jesus and the Holy Spirit has walked with me even when I refused to listen to Jesus. Jesus knew that one day I would give all that I am to Him and become the man,person,human being He intended me to be. What can I say? My Heart,mind and soul are forever in Jesus Christ's service and I am humbled by the wonderful facts that Jesus died for me and my sins and all the pain,suffering,grief that I have endured are but a speck of sand against what Jesus has done for me and for all of us.
Becoming a new creation in Christ is very real and very true because I am re-born,re-made,redeemed by the Lion of Judah. Each day we all must put on the whole and complete amounr of God and get on our feet to stand firm and be bold for Jesus.
How many of you can do this? Stand up for Jesus! Are you a Warrior for God's Army? If not sign up and become one of many,join the Body of Christ. Amen

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