Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sovereign God / or God's ways are not our ways

(Eccl 2:26 [NET])
​​​​​​​For to the one who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy, ​​​​​​but to the sinner, he gives the task of amassing wealth – ​​​​​​only to give it to the one who pleases God. ​​​​​​This task of the wicked is futile – like chasing the wind!

(Eccl 7:13 [NET])
​​​​​​​Consider the work of God: ​​​​​​For who can make straight what he has bent?

(Eccl 7:14 [NET])
​​​​​​​In times of prosperity be joyful, ​​​​​​but in times of adversity consider this: ​​​​​​God has made one as well as the other, ​​​​​​so that no one can discover what the future holds.

(Eccl 7:15 [NET])
​​​​​​​During the days of my fleeting life I have seen both of these things: ​​​​​​Sometimes a righteous person dies prematurely in spite of his righteousness, ​​​​​​and sometimes a wicked person lives long in spite of his evil deeds.

(Eccl 7:16 [NET])
​​​​​​​So do not be excessively righteous or excessively wise; ​​​​​​otherwise you might be disappointed.

(Eccl 7:17 [NET])
​​​​​​​Do not be excessively wicked and do not be a fool; ​​​​​​otherwise you might die before your time.

(Eccl 7:18 [NET])
​​​​​​​It is best to take hold of one warning without letting go of the other warning; ​​​​​​for the one who fears God will follow both warnings.

Here we go into a area that many folks find hard to understand and that area is.What is God doing? And why can't we figure Him out? We can send a man to the moon but we can't get our minds wrapped around the way God chooses to bless some and curse others or heal someone with a miracle and leave someone else in their pain and suffering?
In the above bible verse's what do we read? We read that God can bring into our lives prosperity and also times of adversity and God also makes the straight paths and the crooked paths.
Let me be very clear about this next statement many folks when they see the word prosperity they assume that speaks just of money or great wealth. in the Hebrew text it means much more than that. Good people,Good things,bountiful,cheerful,to be in favour,glad, joyful,kindness,loving,pleasant, wealth,welfare,be well favoured. Most of these words talk about your attitude and not about how many cars or trucks or homes you have.
Now adversity in Hebrew show us the other side. great grief,harm,hurtful,wrong, wretchedness,to spoil,to make good turn bad.,distress,evil,Bad, affliction,calamity. Now most of these words explain things that effect our physical.
Also scripture tells us that God's word are truth and in that truth we can see that God makes all and His ways are not our ways and that His time is not our time.
So don't be deceived by teacher's,preacher's that tell you that your faith has to be huge to be healed or that God wants you to be in a 4000 square foot home and He wants you to drive a BMW and that all you have to get these things is name it and claim it.

NO! NOT even close folks! Don't be fooled by those ones. Seek out those churches that will teach you bible based facts with NO extra input from a Man or Woman looking to take from the flock and never teach the truth.

The last verse that one who fears God and by fear the Hebrew helps us again.It means to be reverent, to be obedient unto God, to be in awe of God and yes it talks about being afraid,frighten but think about it if you know God and you know Jesus your name is written in the Book of Life and if you don't know God and Jesus then I would be afraid,frighten in fact I would be terrified by what awaits me when I die.

So again I ask Do you know Jesus? Can you say my name is written in The Book of Life! It is easy to be sure! Receive Jesus into your heart and ask for your sins all to be forgiven and get your self to a church that teaches the uncompromising word of God. And Lastly Tell someone that you have Jesus now in your life! Take care. Pax Carl
   (2Chr 7:14 [NET])
if my people, who belong to me, humble themselves, pray, seek to please me, and repudiate their sinful practices, then I will respond from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.

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