Monday, October 17, 2011

Generation seeks signs and wonders

Matthew 16:1-19:30
A generation that seeks,demands a sign from Jesus;Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and Sadducee s in His time and they demanded a sign that would prove that Jesus was the Son of God. Jesus did not give them what they demanded. Now we live in this time when all around us people are clamoring for a sign that Jesus is real; "Oh we will not believe unless we see a miracle or see a wondrous event happen before us." We live in a age where we can predict the weather,make good guess's at possible earthquakes and tornadoes,etc.. And so it goes without saying those seeking after Jesus wandering around living lives that  w/o Jesus looking everywhere for answers Psychics,tarot cards,horoscopes,fortune tellers, and bunch of mislead folks looking for content,happiness in all the wrong ways. Jesus is the Only way,the Truth, and The Life. that's it. Now those of us that are in the body of Christ must be more aware of what,how,why let into our minds,bodies,lives,homes all the garbage that can and will take our eyes off Jesus. And many "Preachers,teachers,Prophets" and many others are crawling out of the woodwork hollering on TV their out of context messages straight from God and for only $19.99 I will send you your own personal message God has for you because He wants me to tell you. What a bunch of bologna! Many of them use sentences that sound like Bible verse and Bible stories but God's Holy Words tell us to test everything from all that speak about God and we are to call out the false teachings and to make others aware before the whole world becomes deceived by the evil one who would love for us to just sit back and to not agree on anything and to just follow these false ones with blind faith and wander our way into hell saying "I thought he was on God's side he sounded like Jesus." Paul writes to us to be very alert and to test every word. You and I are to be editors in this world of confusion. and say something don't sit and say "Oh somebody else will take care of that."

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