Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Three times called

This morning I was into 1st Samuel 2:11 and as I worked down into 1st Samuel 3:8-2 1 was impressed to write down some thoughts about what I was reading and researching.
 Eli's sons Hophni and Phinehas had committed sin (sin of contempt) against God but taking from the offering at the temple of the Lord what was God's.
  The way it reads is that the priests were to be fed from what was offered to the Lord as a sacrifice.  all the sacrifice was to be put into the pot that boiled the meat and whatever parts that came out was theirs to eat when the three-pronged fork was put in to fetch out their portion but because they despised,scorned and took for themselves the first parts (Hophni & Phinehas picked the choicest pieces) they sinned. Rejecting God and His Authority they were called sons of Belial (ungodly men,w/o profit,worthless,failures in the eyes of God) and also they knew not (did not acknowledge,or be aware of God) His sons went with woman who stood at the gates of the city (prostitutes) and People gossiped about this and Eli heard about it also.
  God cursed them and told Eli that his sons would been dead on the same day. This is also about Eli knowing about his son's actions but doing nothing about it , or calling them on it.Rebuking, restraining them Eli was weak with them He didn't practice Tough Love with them. We as parents do LOVE our kids but we must call them to correct behavior and not turn a blind eye to the wrong.
  Samuel was called by God in the temple of the Lord because Hannah his mother was barren and she conceived and named her son Samuel which means Heard by God and Samuel grew into a inspired man,a prophet,obedient unto the Lord.She deditcated him when he was still in her womb.
  So when Samuel was old enough he went to live with and help Eli who had grown old and his eyesight was poor. Now my favorite part: For three times God called out loud to Samuel and for three times he ran into Eli's room asking "What do you need Eli? and I love that it took Eli time to discern that it was God calling.
  But  Now ask yourself One small question? When God calls to you do you hear Him? Notice that God called to Samuel in the quiet of the night when sleeping Samuel heard he jumped up and screahed. God has been calling you and me for so time now and for awhile also it seems to me personaly that thru all the trouble and pain I have endured in my life that now is the time that I hear God calling me. "Carl Carl! "Here I am Lord speak for your servent is listening."
  This tells me so much that God never quits on us(Me) He knows what He wants me and for many years I heard but never acted on it. But now is the time and here in Woodstock,IL. is the church New Life Christian Center is the place where I am to be,to God's bondsman,to work and to worship Jehovah God my provider.
  SO in all I have written and read I know a few things:
 God calls us to serve Him.
  Many of us hear but not alot make the effort to listen and do what God wants us to do.
  Most of us if called have filled our lives with so much input there is no room for God's voice to be  heard.
  Lastly we make excuse's why we can't be for God and I won't mention them too many to write and we all know the reasons we make excuse's.
My Jehovah-Jireh  Pax CH

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